Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, Feb. 28th

Thanks to those who have sent in their conference sheets.  I will send the form back with your confirmed date circled on Friday (I already have them scheduled so if you want to know for sure when yours is before Friday just email me!)

Also, I have several people signed up for mystery readers- I will be sending home a reminder the day before I am expecting you.  Here's what I have so far:

Nick E's mom on the 1st
Ti's dad on the 2nd
Mikaill's family on the 4th
Louis' mom on the 7th
Darren's mom on the 11th
Meghan's mom on the 14th
Nick B's mom on the 15th

If you are available to read to us at 10:20 am during the month of March please email me or send a note! I have at least 6 days left without readers!! (and remember to keep this a secret from your child!!!)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week in pictures

What a busy week! Instead of writing about all of it,  I thought you might like to see some pics from around the classroom instead :)

"I love you so much. UR mine. Yes you are."

Officer Mike and Reilly- (just like in our reading group story "Officer Buckle and Gloria"!)

All the kids got to pet the dog :)

Playing candy heart pick-up with chop sticks at the Valentine party

Singing the poems from our poetry folders- the kids loved turning the poems into songs :) These guys sang them  each two times!

The girls singing our poems to Meatball :)

We've been working on fractions in our math journals

We wrote couplets about our lives when we are 100 years old ( to celebrate the 100th day of school)

One of the couplets that made me laugh.  You can see all of them with our funny drawings if you come by  our hallway and check our the bulletin board.

It was a great week! The kids are learning so much at such a fast rate! I can barely keep up with them :)  I am so impressed how quickly they were able to figure out some tricky concepts this week (fractions, median, mode, couplets, gravity- wow!!)

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the wonderful parents who organized our party this week, sent in goodies, helped with homework, spelling tests, etc.  I appreciate all of your support! You help make our school days go smoothly and your children to be successful :)

Have a great break!! Remember to check in the homework folder for homework, parent-teacher conference sign up sheets, and mystery reader sign up.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, Feb. 11th

Today we used candy hearts to make sentences. Some of them were pretty funny coming from the mouths of babes "I love you, cupcake!" and some of them were just too "icky" for us to even think about using ("first kiss" yuck!).  Over all it was a fun project and the kids loved it :) We also talked about elements of poetry and read some February poems and pointed out the rhyming, repittion and a "beat." 

In math we made a graph from the data we collected about our arm span earlier in the week.  We also made some fractions by shading shapes. 

We have 3 kids who didn't bring a Valentine box in today- our party is MONDAY. Please send yours first thing so that your child can have a box for their cards.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, Feb. 10th

I came back today to a GREAT sub note :)  The kids all gave me good reports and I  had a lot of excellent completed work on my desk.  I always worry when I have a sub and it is a good feeling to know that everything went smoothly.

Today we wrote a story with the title "The Magic medicine" to help us prepare for the GP writing assessment.  The kids worked VERY HARD on this and did an excellent job :)

We also made "love bugs" and learned about adjectives by listing adjectives that were "fit for a lovebug."  Actually making the bugs was a little something special we did as a reward for such great behavior yesterday.

In math we practiced median and mode and reviewed for our test TOMORROW! You cannot believe how easily the kids understand these seemily complicated concepts.

Reminder- VALENTINE BOX DUE TOMORROW!!! If you have an extra empty shoe box could you please send it in? I am collecting some extras for kids who don't show up with a valentine box tomorrow :) Thanks!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

March Calendar

Here is some dates for March that we already know and want to share with you!

March 2011


1.  C-Day
School Store
1:00- Assembly- Hooper-Pistons for March is Reading Month
2.  D-Day
Read Across America Day
Dr. Seuss B-Day
3.  A-Day
Citizens Breakfast
After School Pizza Sale
4.  B-Day
Game Night
7.  C-Day
A.M. School Only
Students start at 8:20
8. D-Day
PTO Meeting 7:00
9.  A-Day
Costco- 11:30-12:30

8:35-11:35- Tar Wars
5th Grade
10. B-Day
Town Hall Meeting 8:40

After School  Pizza Sale
11.  C-Day
14.  D-Day
15.  A-Day
16.  B-Day
Burger King Night 4-8
17.  C-Day
1:00- Irish Dancers
St Patrick’s Day
After School Pizza Sale
18.  D-Day
21.  A-Day
22.  B-Day
23.  C-Day
Lifetouch-Picture Day
Market Day pick-up
24.  D-Day
25.  A-Day
PBS Activity- Obstacle Course in the GYM all day
28. B-Day
29.  C-Day
Disability Awareness
Book Exchange
30. D-Day
Parent Teacher Conference/Evening
31.  No School

Conferences AM, PM,Evening

Tuesday, Feb. 8th

Today we worked more on our short-story writing.  We also had town-hall meeting and were very impressed with the readers- especailly our friend Ciera!
We also had a LOT of people earn new charms for their Scholatic Reading Counts necklances.  We were REALLY proud to have the highest point-earner in our class! Congrats Louis!

In math we continued to work on finding the median given a set of data.  We also practiced subtraction.
In science we added the word Friction to our motion journals. Ask your child what Friction is tonight at the dinner table :)

The Valentine Party is Feb. 14th from 2-3 pm.  I hope you are working on your Valentine Mailboxes at home this week! They are due THIS FRIDAY! Bring your Valentine cards on Monday :)

Monday, February 07, 2011

Monday, Feb. 7th

Today we worked on writing to a prompt.  We will be expected to do this for the Grosse Pointe Writing assessment and for the MEAP in future years.  We practiced making sure our stories had all the "right parts" (setting, problem, solution, etc.) we also practiced writing summaries.

In math we measured our arm spans and our "longest jump."  After gathering the data we found the "middle value" (also know as the median).  It was so much fun!

Town Hall meeting will be tomorrow at 10:45.  Our citizen is Bella and our reader is Ciera :)

Friday, February 04, 2011

Friday, Feb. 4th

Today in math we estimate the weight of different objects and then weighed them.  We worked in groups are recorded our estimates and actual weights.  Some kids started off thinking that a stack of books light weigh 100 pounds! We also compared weights of items with a balance.

In science we build marble ramps and recorded observations in our motion journal. 
We also looked at our town map and made estimates about where our house is on the map.  Your homework this weekend is to find the actual location of your house and mark it on the map provided.  Then we will add them to our classroom map so we can see how close our estimates were.

Homework binders come home today- there is an extra assignment in there for making a Valentine Box at home to use during our class party :)

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Thursday, Feb. 3

Happy Chinese New Year! Today we worked on using sensory words (words that describe what we see, hear, taste, smell and feel) by describing what it might be like to be at a Chinese New Year festival.  We looked at pictures of the dragon and china town.  We also listened to a "chinese new year music video" for kids (haha!) and read a book about chinese new year.  We learned some new vocab. and worked in groups.  The kids did some great descriptive writing which is PERFECT for our poetry focus :)

In math we learned about "doubling" numbers.  We read a story about a funny friend who doubles during the night and acted out the scenario.  We then did every thing "backwards" by learning how to "halve" something.  Try asking your student to double something or halve something at home.  They love applying new knowledge and had a lot of fun doing these activities today.

By the end of the day today we only had 12 students left in class!!! The whole school had about 80 students absent today! PLEASE do all that you can to keep those kids healthy! I cleaned all the desks and door knobs today in the room--hope this helps stop the spread of this sickness!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Tuesday, Feb. 1st

Today we finished our biographies (yaye!) we will be posting them in the hallway this week and then bring then home after a couple weeks of display :)

In Science we learned that all motion is cause by a force.  A force is a "push or a pull."  We had a looonnnngg discussion about how our muscles push and pull our bodies in the direction we want them too :)  The kids we very interseted in this (maybe we have some future doctors in the class??).

In math we played "addition basketball" Ask your child how it works! If you have dice at home you can play tomorrow on our Snowday (IF we have one! I'm betting that we will!)

Have a good night and stay WARM! Check the news to see if we have school tomorrow.  Kepp reading and doing that homework if we have time off :)

The Citizen breakfast has been rescheduled.  DO NOT COME for citizen breakfast in the morning even if we don't have a snowday!!