Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday, Jan. 13th

Happy Friday!
Today in class we did a TON of reading and were focusing on 2 major strategies: Imagining as you read and looking for little 'clues' from the author that might explain why a character does something, or what might happen next (this is actually called inferring).  As your child reads at home remind them to "make pictures in their head" of what is happening in the book.

In math we did multiplication story problems and the kids did great with this.  We always draw pictures when solving these but instead of making a detailed picture, we just do tally marks and circles.  I have been so impressed by how well the class is doing with all these new computation strategies.

I gave out the homework binders today along with the papers from the office and graded work from last week. Please look it over. Thanks!!

Have a great weekend :) No school Monday!

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