Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, may 31

No late start this Monday!!! Come to school at 8:15!

Today I sent home a flier about our class picnic along with a sign up sheet for food a d volunteers (and also a blank page by mistake!! Sorry!) please read it and send it back :)

Sorry to those who cannot ride on the bus for our field trip on Tuesday! With all the kids, we can only fit 10 adults-- that's 3 per class plus 1 teacher. I numbered the forms so I would know who turned theirs in first. If on the day of the trip we have empty seats (because some parents my choose to drive their own child) then we will add more parents onto the bus. It may also be a good idea for some parents to carpool. Getting an additional bus is $275 so we are trying to avoid that!!
All parents need to be at Poupard Tuesday by 9:20 where I will distribute your admission tickets. Children need to be at school at normal time- 8:15.

Have a great weekend :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday, may 29

We have a ton of special events coming up in the next week!

First off, this week on Thursday we have the bounce house for students who have had less than 4 yellow or 1 red card flip last month!
This Friday homework will be due and the LAST set of homework will be sent home!

Next week Monday is step up day ( 2nd graders get to meet the 3rd grade teachers!), Tuesday is our Greenfield village trip!! this will be an all day trip and your child will need a brown bag lunch. Wednesday is promotion awards at 1:45pm in the gym, and Friday is the school kickball game at 1:45!!!

Our picnic will be Tuesday, June 11 at 12:30 :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, may 23

So much going on tomorrow!! We have field day in the afternoon ( we still need 13 volunteers to help in the pm and 5 ate still needed for the am!!!!!! If you can help PLEASE come!!!)

Our greenfield village field trip forms and money are due tomorrow!!! We are only allowed 5 parents on the school bus per teacher (due to space limitations) but all parents are welcome to attend if they are Willing to drive themselves or carpool.

Homework is also due tomorrow!! We Only have a couple more weeks of homework for the school year :)

No school Monday!! Enjoy the long weekend with your families :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday, May 13th

Tomorrow is Career Day! Primary students are encouraged to dress up like a career they have learned about or are interested in becoming one day!  Talk to your children about different careers they think they might be good at and help them put together an outfit to wear on Tuesday!  This is not Halloween; make sure the outfit is linked to a real career, not just a 'costume' Thanks! 

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Tuesday, May 7th

Hi Parents! Thank you so much for all the warm welcomes I have received since being back at school. The kids have been wonderful and have had a great time filling me in about all the things they have learned since I left.

This week in math we are learning about place value.  We will be going up to the MILLIONS! Your student should be able to read, write, and identify numbers up to the millions place. You should be also seeing this in their homework this week.

In reading we are continuing to work on inferences.  Students are encouraged to "read between the lines" to find out what's happening or what is going to happen in their books.

In writing we have started researching different animals for animal reports! Each child has their own book at their reading level to use for research.  A few students have asked if they can also research at home on the Internet-- of course! The more facts they can collect, the better their report will be :) Once we've collected all our facts, we will begin drafting our reports.

In social studies we are continuing to learn about Maps.  The video attached is the students singing the Continentt songs :)We will be finishing this unit up very soon and moving onto learning about history.

FIELD TRIP TOMORROW-- SEND BOOSTER SEAT if your child is 7 years old!
We will be eating lunch at school so no need to worry about a sack lunch.

Homework Due Friday.
Greenfield Village Permission Slip due next Friday but I am accepting them at any time so please go ahead and send them in! Thanks!