Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Wednesday, Dec. 7th

Today in class we explored square pyramids vs. cones.  We used the words point, base, edge, and side.  We will exploring volume next week.  We also practice the concept of sharing items equally among friends (there are 15 candies and 4 friends.  How can they share them equally? How many will be left over?) which is the beginning concept for division.

In writing we are practicing using different perspectives.  We are continuing this concept in reading by thinking about the main character and their motives for their actions.  Next week in reading we will be comparing a bunch of different Gingerbread Man stories to see how the different perspectives change the story.  If you have any Gingerbread books (the gingerbread girl, the gingerbread baby, ect) please send them in!

Tonight we had conferences in the evening-- thank you to all the parents that came! So far, we have had 100% participation :)

NO SCHOOL TOMORROW (Thursday)!! Conferences will be taking place all day and the school book fair will be open.

There will also be a story hour tomorrow in the library between 6 and 7.  Ms. Stocks and others will be reading aloud to the students who attend.  She will also be modeling "good questions" for parents to ask kids when they are reading at home.  Call the office for more details. Please come if you can :)

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