Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, Oct. 20th

Today we did not get the chance to read with the therapy dogs-- all the kids in the entire school will be given a chance and today was apparently not our day. The kids were a little disappointed but I told them that the dogs will be here the entire year and that one Thursday will be our day. On that note, I had a handfull (about 5!) of kids who got their card flipped today because they heard the dogs were down the hall (froma student who ad just come back from the bathroom) and so they jumped from their seats and ran into the hallway! yikes! We had to have a talk about how the therapy dogs are used to be in quiet places and shouting and running at them would scare them. We also had to review the very very very important rule about never leaving the classroom without permission. If your child was on yellow, this why!

Other than that little hiccup, our day was very good! We wrote silly stories about monster--ask your child their monster's name was and ask them to describe their monster! We are working on describing people and things in our writing.

In math we worked on telling tell and I was VERY impressed!! The majority of the class did SUCH a good job with the clocks and thought it was "so easy." Thank you to all of you who I know are practicing this skill at home :)

Our field trip is on Tuesday. We will go no matter the weather so please start looking ahead to make sure you have all the appropriate outdoor clothing for your child as it starts to get cold outside.

**and sorry for the late post-- I have a TON of things going on in my life outside of school right now and it is making it hard for me to find the time and remember to blog when I get home! :)

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