Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday, Nov. 29th

This morning the kids had a a sub for a little bit (because I had a little dental issue that needed some immediate attention!) who reread them the book, Paperboy.  They drew pictures of their 'visualizations' and talked about what they 'saw' while reading the book.  They also took their math test with the sub.

When I got back to school we played a fun phonics game (a variation of Candy Land) with partners to help us get better at sounding out unknown words using blend we know.  We also learned about "attributes," sorting, and rules in regards to math and geometry.  The kids had to look at a few groups of shapes and determine what the 'rule' was.  We will be doing this more and more throughout Unit 5.

Tomorrow we will be doing some snowflake activities for poetry so I sure do hope the weather man is correct and we get a little snow tonight! We will be brainstorming a lot of sensory words having to do with snow and snowflakes so a little motivation from the weather will go a long way :)

Stay Warm!

Ps- Here are a couple pics from the parade in NYC from last weekend-- a lot of kids told me about the Detroit parade they went to and the ones they watched on TV so I thought I'd share a few fun ones from my trip with you all :)

This is the day before the parade while they were inflating the balloons
Me watching the parade (the kids asked for a picture of me at the parade to prove I was there- haha!)

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